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 Glass Block Window Installation Estimate Options :

Below are 2 option to getting a fast accurate estimate for glass block window installation. If you are incapable of using these options, simply call the office 412-731-8559 and a representative will set up an in-home estimate for you. Before requesting an estimate there are a few things to consider. A solid glass block window is virtually indestructible and can take heavy abuse, keep out the heaviest of storms, noise and bad actors while amplifying its light intake to the inside.

Besides the solid glass block windows, we do have many options for air flow, furnace pipes, Jen-air,  dryer exhaust and power fans etc... Which leads to the next question..

Do I want air vents in my glass block windows? This is most asked questions for every order. We suggest at least one air vent on opposite sides of the room if possible ,when opened, they can create a cross breeze. The more damp your basement is ,obviously the more air flow you may want. However as good as the new double pane bubble seal air vents are they can become a liability if they're very close to the ground. Dirt and mud may splash up and constanly and make the screens dirty if there is only dirt under your windows. We suggest white rocks or other measures to ensure your air vents arent a liability. So send a pic of your openings and we will be happy to discuss everything you need to know with you!

Option 1:

Snap a Pic with your phone from outside and text it to 


Make sure to get entire window opening in the shot.

Option 2:

Take a rough measurement
of your opening. Dont worry
just get it close and call it
in. 412-731-8559

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